Description of the problem: I can’t raise my left eyebrows, my mouth is tilted to the right when I laugh, and my left mouth is bulging and leaking.
Date of the problem: 2021-01-08
Patient information:Age: 22 years old, Gender: Female
Problem analysis:Hello! According to your description, your condition is a typical facial paralysis. Facial nerve palsy is generally caused by vasospasm caused by facial cold, and facial nerve edema after ischemia. Typical symptoms include drooping mouth corners on the affected side, tilting up on the healthy side, leaking drinking water, bulging and leaking gas, eyelids cannot be closed, and taste, hearing, tear or saliva secretion disorders can also occur depending on the damage site.
Guiding recommendations: The treatment is mainly acute intravenous infusion of high-dose glucocorticoid therapy, intramuscular injection of vitamin B1 and Mecobalt or vitamin B12, and oral vasodilator niacin. Apply erythromycin ointment before going to bed to prevent exposure keratitis. Most cases recover within 1 to 3 months.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection