Problem description: My uterine fibroids have grown to the size of 6 cm. I think this situation seems to be very serious. I would like to ask if surgery is necessary for a 6 cm uterine fibroids?
Question date: 2020-11-30
Patient information: Age: 24 Gender: Female
Uterine fibroids of 6 cm must Have surgery.
Uterine fibroids of 6 cm are actually very serious. It is necessary to pay attention to the timely treatment of uterine fibroids. After the appearance of 6 cm of uterine fibroids, it will cause dysmenorrhea or abnormal menstruation. Choosing to use surgery can achieve a good relief purpose. However, recurrence cannot be prevented in the later stage, and regular inspections are required.
Patients with uterine fibroids should take care of their daily lives. In addition to diet and hygiene, they should also have regular schedules. Otherwise, the occurrence of endocrine disorders will not be good for alleviating the condition.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection