Problem description: After the injection of the face-lifting needle, the hair is very oily on the second day. I want to wash my hair when I wake up in the morning, but my friend said that I can’t wash my hair, which will affect the effect. The face-lifting needle can be used the next day. Do you wash your hair?
Question date:2020-12-02
Patient information:Age: 29 Gender: Female
The face-lifting needle is not available the next day shampoo.
It is not possible to wash your hair on the second day after the injection of the face-lifting needle. If the injection needle is contaminated with water during the washing process, it will cause inflammation and infection of the local needle, which will affect the face-lifting needle. Effect. If the patient has been injected with the face-lifting needle 24 hours later, they can wash their hair and face.
In the diet, try to eat more light and easy to digest or soft foods to achieve a balanced nutrition. It is also necessary to maintain local hygiene. If there is an infection, it is necessary to go to the hospital immediately.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection