Problem description: When I went to the hospital for a review today, the doctor said that I was suffering from blocked fallopian tubes, which I felt was caused by the man. Could the blockage of the woman’s fallopian tubes be caused by the man?
Date of the problem: 2020-12-04
Patient information: Age: 25 Gender: Female
The blockage of the fallopian tubes of the woman is generally not caused by the man .
Most of the blockage of the woman’s fallopian tubes is caused by inflammation or multiple miscarriages. It can also be considered as congenital abnormalities. Blocked fallopian tubes usually cause abdominal pain and even lower back pain. When the degree of blockage of the fallopian tubes is severe, it may affect the chance of conception, so you should get dredging treatment under the doctor’s advice as soon as possible.
During the treatment period, the diet should be mainly light and nutritious, and at the same time, the method of eating small and frequent meals should be used to give nutrition, which is conducive to reducing the burden on the stomach and avoiding the onset of indigestion.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination