Problem description: My relatives brought me a piece of musk ointment. I usually like to smell it. Recently I was about to become pregnant and worried about infertility. Will smelling musk be infertile?
Date of problem:2020-12-06
Patient information:Age: 26 Gender: Female
Smelling musk will not cause infertility .
Musk is a Chinese medicine with strong penetrating power. It has the effects of resuscitation and refreshing, activating blood and clearing menstruation. It has good curative effects on traumatic injuries, blood stasis and amenorrhea, and myocardial infarction. Smelling musk will not cause problems. If you are infertile, you don’t need to worry too much, but if you get pregnant, you should avoid contact with musk to avoid miscarriage.
Recommendation: Relax your mind at ordinary times, and be careful not to stay up late. Pay attention to choosing nutritious, meat and vegetable combinations, and easy-to-digest foods, such as meat, fish, eggs, beans and fresh vegetables.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination