Problem description: My cousin has a cute baby. She wants to conceive a second child this year, but she can’t get pregnant. Will the second child be infertile if she is not pregnant?
Date of problem: 2020-12-06
Patient information: Age: 28 Gender: Female
It is true that the second child cannot be pregnant It may be infertility.
The second child is always unable to be pregnant, so you should do a B-ultrasound to check the follicle development to see if there are mature follicles. You also need to do a sperm test for the man to check the sperm survival rate. If there is no problem, you need to see whether there are gynecological inflammatory infectious diseases. If there is vaginitis or pelvic inflammatory disease, it is not conducive to the entry of sperm and can not form a fertilized egg. It will also affect pregnancy and cause infertility.
Suggestion: Go to a regular hospital in time for further targeted pre-pregnancy examinations, and clarify the specific conditions for symptomatic conditioning. At the same time, pay attention to a light diet, avoid spicy food and other foods, and avoid tobacco and alcohol.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination