Problem description: I have just given birth for 20 days. I pay more attention to maintenance. I am afraid that I will suffer from gynecological diseases. Will taking gynecological Huisheng pills 20 days after delivery is effective?
Question date:2020-12-07
Patient information: Age: 28 Gender: Female
You can eat gynecological echo 20 days after delivery pill.
Fuke Huisheng Pill mainly treats symptoms of Qi deficiency, Qi and blood stasis, and blood deficiency. It can also prevent intrauterine infections. It is edible for 20 days after delivery and can help the mother to restore her health. Patients should keep warm after delivery. The diet is mostly light and nutritious, avoid taking raw, cold, spicy and other irritating foods.
Patients need to pay attention to personal hygiene 20 days after delivery, so as to prevent germs from invading and causing gynecological diseases, maintain a good mood, and avoid postpartum depression. Patients should communicate with their family members more.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination