Problem description: I went to the hospital for an examination yesterday. The doctor said that I have a gynecological disease. I still have Zhuyu Capsules after giving birth. I want to take a little bit. Do I take Postpartum Zhuyu Capsules for gynecological diseases?
Question date:2020-12-07
Patient information:Age: 27 Gender: Female
Gynecological diseases cannot eat blood stasis after delivery capsule.
Women have gynecological diseases, and there are many types of diseases. Until the type of illness is diagnosed, one cannot use drugs blindly. Although the Postpartum Zhuyu Capsule is a traditional Chinese medicine, it is a medicine after all. It is mainly used to treat women’s postpartum lochia discharge, abdominal pain, and gynecological inflammation. When treating diseases, specific medications are needed.
Women are advised to observe their own symptoms. If they have been diagnosed with related diseases, they must strictly follow the doctor’s instructions, take regular and quantitative medications, and do not blindly choose their own medications to prevent delaying the disease or delaying the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination