Problem description: I had an abortion operation some time ago, but now I have gynecological diseases. I don’t know if I can take gynecological medicine now. I would like to ask if I can take gynecological medicine after abortion?
Question date:2020-12-07
Patient information:Age: 25 Gender: Female
Patients can take oral administration after abortion Drug treatment of gynecological diseases.
The patient’s body is relatively weak after abortion, and at this time, it is more likely to be attacked by germs and aggravate gynecological diseases. At this time, the patient can take some drugs to treat gynecological diseases, but under the premise of taking the drugs, it is necessary to take symptomatic medication under the guidance of a doctor to avoid other diseases, which is also not conducive to the recovery of gynecological diseases.
It is recommended that patients must not eat raw and cold irritating foods in their diet, which will cause a burden on the gastrointestinal tract and easily cause abdominal pain. In addition, they can choose light and easy-to-digest foods in their diet.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection