Problem description: Hello, expert, I have abdominal pain and diarrhea of ​​unknown cause. It has been 2 months. I want to have a painless colonoscopy. Can I go tomorrow? Where can I register? What are the precautions for colonoscopy?
Question date:2021-01-18
Patient information:Age: 33 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello, for painless colonoscopy, you need to make an appointment in advance. Generally, you need to go to the gastroenterology department first, issue an examination form, and then go to the hospital for the examination on the appointment date. First, you must take cathartic drugs to ensure the intestinal tract There is no obvious fecal mass.
Guide suggestion: For people with chronic diseases, blood pressure, arrhythmia, etc. need to be controlled, and it is enough to go to the gastrointestinal endoscopy room for examination according to the agreed date.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection