Problem description: I have had this symptom for more than 2 years. I always have saliva and white mucus in my throat. I always feel that something is vomiting in my throat, but it is not sputum. I went to several hospitals and the doctor said It is a habitual problem, but it has seriously affected my life. I just want to vomit all the time, the cold is more obvious, and the nose occasionally feels nasal mucus, it will be better if you divert your attention.
Question date:2021-01-19
Patient information:Age: 29 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: The situation first considers that the patient has inflammation of the throat. It is recommended that the treatment should first relax the mood, which is the most important.
Guide and suggestion: Drink plenty of water, don’t eat spicy foods, and also pay attention to avoid contact with some unhealthy physical factors, you can use buccal tablets.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection