Problem description: I am preparing for pregnancy. I had polycystic ovary before and irregular menstruation. The B-ultrasound performed today showed two dark cystic areas on the right ovary. The figure below is the 15th day of today’s menstruation. The second 3 pictures are the hormones and B-ultrasound measured on the 5th day of menstruation,
Question date:2021-01-19
Patient information:Age: 31 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis: There are 2 possibilities in the dark area of ​​the right ovary, 1 is the physiological, unabsorbed corpus luteum, usually after a few months of menstrual cycles Disappear by dynamic observation. This usually occurs in patients with polycystic ovary. 2 It may be pathological, mostly benign. It requires postoperative pathology to be diagnosed. Generally, it is more than 5cm in diameter, or if it persists in absorption, surgery is recommended.
Guiding suggestion: You are currently considering the possibility of the former. It is recommended to observe the menstrual cycle for several months. There is no mature follicle at present.
The suggestion is for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for details. Check