Problem description: My family members have serious diabetes. Complications such as kidney, heart, cerebral infarction, high blood pressure and so on are all well controlled. Currently, it is difficult to defecate and cannot defecate normally. My stomach is suffocating for about four days, and I need Kaisailu to help. The first row is dry, and the back is thin. The color is normal. This situation has continued for more than two years. In this situation, what do I need to do or what medicine to take?
Question date:2021-01-25
Patient information:Age: 51 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: In this case, we must first rule out whether the patient has intestinal autonomic dysfunction, which is related to diabetes.
Guide and suggestion: It is recommended that patients should pay attention to daily routines in treatment, pay attention to small and frequent meals, and do not overeat. It is recommended that only proper exercise promotes gastrointestinal peristalsis.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection