Description of the problem: I want to ask about my boyfriend and I have sex, and then he took a condom, but he shot in, but the condom was taken out and blown out, I would like to ask about pregnancy But he wiped me with paper and wiped mine again. Now I have vomiting after half a month, will I get pregnant like this?
Question date:2021-02-16
Patient information:Age: 18 years old, Gender: Female
Problem analysis: From the whole process described by you, it is unlikely that this situation will become pregnant And the early pregnancy reaction is unlikely to appear so quickly, so don’t worry too much.
Guidelines: Focus on digestive system problems, such as common acute gastroenteritis, according to the current situation. If the next case comes, you can rest assured.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination