Problem description: Hello, could you please help me to see if my hemorrhoids are internal or external? Is surgery necessary? The time on the New Year’s Day was very swollen, much longer than it is now. I felt a foreign body sensation, and it was very painful. The next day it was better. It doesn’t hurt anymore, but I still have some foreign body sensation and blood inconvenience.
Problem date:< /b>2021-02-16
Patient information:Age: 29 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis:Hello, according to your description Generally speaking, external hemorrhoids are more likely to be considered in this situation, but the possibility of mixed hemorrhoids can not be ruled out at the same time.
Guidelines: In this case, if there is no bleeding or foreign body sensation, surgical treatment is usually considered because it causes discomfort. If there are no symptoms, generally do not need to do deal with.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection