Problem description: I am very depressed, and I often want to die, and I always want to cry. You can’t find someone to talk to, and you can’t trust it. I am afraid of losing the trust and approval of others. In front of my family and friends, I am very optimistic, and I don’t want to let the unhappiness in my heart bring to others.
Question date:2021-02-17
Patient information:Age: 13 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello, according to the symptoms, there is a manifestation of depression, which is often related to factors such as emotional frustration and mental stress.
Guidance suggestion: In this case, you can use Shugan Jieyu pills orally. Daily attention should be used to relieve emotions and divert attention through physical exercise. If the medication is not effective, you need to go to the psychological clinic to see if it is necessary to use psychotropic medication.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection