Problem description: Hello doctor, my father has numbness in his left hand for about a month, and his heart orifice is blocked in panic. A cardiac imaging was done in our city hospital. Many blood vessels were calcified, and several blood vessels were narrowed. The local hospital recommends surgery, but my father has deformed cervical and lumbar spine, lumbar spinal canal stenosis, and high blood pressure. What kind of treatment is needed for this condition and will it affect the heart treatment? At present, the heart problem is severe, his hands are numb, and the heart orifice is blocked. There is no relief.
Question date:2021-02-18
Patient information:Age: 66 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello, your father is currently suffering from multiple stenosis of cardiovascular disease, numbness of his arms and neck, and cervical and lumbar spine disease.
Guide suggestion: It is recommended to deal with heart disease first, do coronary angiography, and then deal with cervical and lumbar spine disease after the heart is processed.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection