Problem description: Hello, you are 8 months pregnant with twins. I have difficulty falling asleep all night for 4 consecutive months. Sometimes I have a little light sleep at 6 in the morning. Sometimes my mouth is dry in the middle of the night. In the morning Brushing my teeth is a bit bitter at night, sometimes dizzy, headache, I have been prescribed traditional Chinese medicine for 14 days at Nanchang County Maternity and Child Health Hospital Gynecological Chinese Medicine, but I can’t sleep during the day.
Problem Date:2021 -02-19
Patient information:Age: 29 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis: Well, you seem to be in this situation, I suggest you It’s best to drink a cup of hot milk before going to bed at night to soak your feet with hot water. These can also promote sleep.
Guiding suggestions: You should pay attention to rest, avoid fatigue, and have regular work and rest. Ensure adequate sleep and try not to stay up late
Suggestions are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination