Description of the problem: Hello, my cheeks and chin have red acne and closed mouth. I have used skin care products and traditional Chinese medicine ointments before, but I have recently relapsed. I want to consult. I can take different medicines. Is Tretinoin? What other drugs can I use? I feel that I have severe acne. Should I still use facial cleanser now? I stopped all my skin care products, and now I only wash my face with clean water and apply perfect aloe vera gel. I dare not use anything else. I feel that my face can no longer be seen. This is the acne on my left cheek, chin and right cheek, forehead I don’t have a lot of acne. Could you please help me find out what type of acne I have. Thank you doctor.
Date of problem: 2021-02-19
Patients Information: Age: 21 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis:Hello, according to your description and the picture, it is generally considered that there is severe acne in this situation This is caused by endocrine disorders, especially the excessive secretion of male hormones.
Guide suggestion: Therefore, in this case, I suggest that it is better to consider seeing a Chinese medicine, with some Chinese medicine to regulate endocrine, and try to focus on light and spicy foods. In terms of facial hygiene, it is mainly recommended to use clean water as the mainstay. Avoid using some irritating chemical facial cleansers, otherwise the symptoms may be aggravated. In addition, you must avoid staying up late at ordinary times. Staying up late may also cause symptoms to worsen.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection