Problem description: After staying in a small hotel, I felt itchy and insects crawling. Maybe the sheets were not clean, especially at night. Itching was bad at night. Many medicines were ineffective, such as Lindan ointment and Miao medicine. Yangjing, sulfur ointment
Question date: 2021-02-25
Patient information:Age: 48 years old Gender: Female
< b>Problem analysis: From the picture, it is still more likely to consider atopic dermatitis, not a parasite problem. For treatment of this kind of situation, hormonal ointments are the first choice for topical ointment, which also takes into account the effect of preventing infection. Need to cooperate with external iodophor disinfection.
Guide suggestion: Itching is obvious at night, antihistamine drugs can be taken, and sleep aid drugs can be combined if necessary. I recommend a group of medicines as follows: topical iodophor disinfection, apply Parvisone ointment, and seal the knee with plastic wrap. Oral loratadine, if you have difficulty sleeping, add Zaoren Anshen capsules. Such comprehensive treatment for a period of time is estimated to greatly ease and improve the current situation. There is a possibility of cure.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection