Problem description: Does the doctor have any problems with these medicines for the treatment of bowel movements? The elderly in the family went to the hospital to prescribe the bowel movements for three or four days, and the whole body arthralgia could not be solved.
Date of the problem: b>2021-02-25
Patient information:Age: 42 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis:Hello, according to the medicine you provide , There is no laxative medicine in it. Constipation is caused by many factors, such as slow intestinal peristalsis, low water intake, and unreasonable diet structure.
Guide suggestion: According to the current situation, you can try oral sesame oil, or you can choose Kaisailu for laxative, adjust your diet, you can use yogurt, sweet potato, and banana instead of dinner. Try, often can have a certain laxative effect.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection