Unlimited flow gear.

Another 5G market. Currently, the 5G package pricing of mainstream operators such as Verzion and T-Mobile is also around 500-700 yuan. At the same time, there will always be some restrictions on speed and traffic. Even if the traffic is not limited, the rate cannot be Reach the highest level.

The prices in European countries are similar. For example, the millet MIX3 5G version is the first to be listed in Switzerland. The three packages are priced from a minimum of 45 Swiss francs and the highest is 200 Swiss francs. It is also subdivided into “Plus Speed” at 100Mbps and “Premium Speed” at 2Gbps.

The Chinese operator has not yet given an exact 5G package. Only mobile has a test package before, limited to 200GB traffic. However, according to the strategies of the three major operators, the initial 5G package is not only about 200 yuan, but also should not have much difference in traffic. All 200GB values ​​are very useful.

In terms of overall pricing, although the cost is more than 4G, the overall 5G package pricing in China is still relatively cheap. At the same time, if the daily rent of 1 yuan 1G is used for accounting, the unit price of the 5G package has not increased.

Why is the 5G package expensive?

But why do we still think that the 5G package is expensive? When we say that the 5G package is expensive, it basically refers to the problem of traffic costs.

Which 5G package is expensive, the biggest reason is that the traffic fee does not decrease with the increase of tariffs. Some people are willing to pay 30 yuan to buy 30G traffic, but may not be able to accept 200 yuan to buy 200G traffic. And 30G traffic can be used for one month on a 4G network, and it can be exhausted in three days on a 5G network.

So is it impossible to continue to use unlimited traffic at low prices in the 5G era? Of course, it is not. For example, Vodafone UK has given a very interesting low-priced package. Although it limits the maximum speed except the most high-end, it provides an unlimited amount of traffic. At the same time, the most high-end package is not only unlimited, but also cost-effective. It is only over RMB 250, which looks very tempting.

China Unicom’s Wang Qiming also said at the recent Phoenix Technology Summit that the unit price of the 5G era will be only one-tenth of the 4G era. If it can be reduced to this point in the future, it is equivalent to the 5G of unlimited traffic experience. The package should not be expensive for too long.

Source: TechSpot