Problem description: A male baby, there are still three days and five months. In the last few days, he has shown that he does not drink milk powder and only drinks breast milk. Since he is already 17 kilograms, the child health doctor recommends adding high-iron rice noodles. These days He just drank breast milk after he stopped eating rice noodles. He loves to spank and has normal bowel movements. Today I was very sleepy and wanted to sleep all the time. When he was not sleeping, his mental state was fine. Is this caused by food accumulation or is he tired of breastfeeding?
Question date:2021-03-12
Patient information:Age: May Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello, according to your description, it is caused by indigestion. Pay attention to your diet and do not overeat.
Guide and suggestion: Add an appropriate amount to develop a good diet, drink some hot water for the baby, massage the abdomen, promote gastrointestinal motility, and coordinate with probiotics.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection