The goal of Chen Lin’s next stage is to “run a third DAU for billions of products for byte beating.”

文 | Zhang Yuxi Zhang Xinyu

Recently, it has been learned from several independent sources that the personnel adjustment of bytebeat is continuing to escalate: Zhu Wenjia, the new head of today’s headline App, is no longer reporting to today’s headline CEO Chen Lin. Report directly to Zhang Yiming. According to insiders, Zhang Yiming has been controlling the target directly to 14 people.

After taking over the headlines today, Zhu Wenjia also took over the watermelon video and Phi Phi shrimp. These two products and today’s headlines are called the “big headline system.” At the same time, Chen Lin still retains today’s headline CEO title, but his energy has all turned to a lot of innovative business inside the byte.

For the above statement, as of the issue of the byte hopping official has not yet given a response.

June, has been reported byte beating is intensively launching a series of personnel adjustments: Today Headline CEO Chen Lin will no longer be directly responsible for the product, Zhu Wenjia is the new person in charge, reporting to today’s headline CEO Chen Lin; head Alex (Zhu Jun) replaced Ren Lifeng as the person in charge of the vibrato product, to the vibrato President Zhang Nan reports.

This adjustment is a continuation of the personnel changes in June. The thinking is: Several mature businesses under the original Chen Lin’s management are all transferred to Zhu Wenjia, and they are striving for “stable and rising”, while Chen Lin We need to do our best to make the innovation business work. This reveals two signals: the strategic focus of the “big headline” is changing, and the innovative business is being pushed to a more important strategic position.

With the change in the reporting relationship, Chen Lin will face a more serious challenge in the byte beating after the old business is handed over completely: Can you prove yourself again with the next “star product”? According to insiders, Chen Lin’s next stage goal is to “run a third DAU for billions of products for bytebeats”.

Before, the two DAU products with over 100 million are today’s headlines and vibrato, but while the vibrato still maintains strong growth, the growth of today’s headlines has stagnated. According to QuestMobile data, from August 2018 to August 2019, today’s headline DAU has barely increased, and has been hovering around 120 million. And as of the end of August 2019, today’s headline DThe AU is 115 million.

According to insiders, today’s headlines have increased their efforts in the summer, but the results have not yet been reflected in the data. According to late LatePost, Zhang Yiming said internally that: Without the expansion of the search scene and high-quality content, the headline’s growth space may only have 40 million DAU. It can be said that for today’s headlines, search is a key to seeking breakthroughs in both DAU and revenue, and is the key strategy for the next stage.

In the search business from zero to one, Zhu Wenjia, who is technically born, may have an advantage over Chen Lin. Zhu Wenjia once worked as a search architect in Baidu. After adding bytebeats, he has been deeply recommended by the person in charge of the algorithm, Yang Zhenyuan. “It is the top 3 candidate for algorithm technology in the headline.” Previously, Zhu Wenjia was responsible for the algorithm work of today’s headline App.

In the headline of today’s headline, there is no bottleneck in the product matrix of bytebeats. It can be said that the innovative myth of bytebeat still stays in the era of vibrato. Since then, many attempts in social, educational, e-commerce and so on have been considered to be flat.

At present, a large number of new businesses with byte hopping are under the control of Chen Lin: social (multi-flash, flying chat), content community (understand the car), corporate services (Lark), education (gogokid, aiKID) Wait). Among them, Lark belongs to Xie Xin’s corporate efficiency department, knowing that the car is attributed to Zhang Lidong’s commercialization department; social and educational circuits are all responsible for Chen Lin. Social and educational are either difficult to do or are unfamiliar to bytebeats, and there are currently no star products in these two areas.

In terms of social aspects, it has become a consensus. During the period from January 26th to February 4th, Dodge won the App Store free list, but after February 18th, the multi-flash ranking continued to decline. As of July 16, the multi-flash rankings were ranked. It is 163.

The fate of flying chat is not clear. According to the data of Qimai, the download volume of Feichao in the App Store reached a peak of nearly 200,000 on the second day of the online launch. Since then, it has shown a cliff-like decline. On May 28, it fell below 10,000 times, three months. After the daily downloads have fallen below a thousand times.

In terms of education, bytebeat has launched a content payment platform to learn to mark the Himalayas; launch gogokid, benchmark VIPKID; launch AI live teaching platform aiKID, expand sinking market; launch Dali class, layout K12 Online school business and so on. But currently these businesses, gogOkid went through a large-scale layoff adjustment, and aiKID has been shut down.

The biggest pain point of online education products is to get customers, and the bytebeat has a strong self-owned traffic to support, plus education itself is a high-worth, high-repurchase product, from the business Logically, layout education is a good move for bytes.

But in fact, according to insiders, in the past year, gogokid has become a project that burns money but has not produced results. As the byte hopping lines of business are increasing the efficiency of commercialization, in contrast, gogokid’s performance is not satisfactory, and it is inevitable to face personnel optimization.

In terms of e-commerce, byte hopping has also developed “value points”, which mainly sinks the market. But at present, it seems that the hopping e-commerce banner has been shaken, and the idea has also turned to “flow business.” According to many industry sources, Vibrato and Ali signed a cooperation frame with a total price of 7 billion, of which 1 billion is a commission share and 6 billion is an advertisement. As a result, Vibrato has become an important diversion platform for Ali.

All along, the new business is a continuous, relay-growth engine with bytebeats. Under the current growth pressure and revenue pressure brought by valuation, the next big thing in this relay race needs to find the winners as soon as possible.

(header is from bytebeat)