If you change your performance, you don’t dare to care.

Recently, several real estate projects in Beijing have started a “red” battle.

This Vanke East looks at the heavy hammer, the scene is full of red, red tablecloth, red display board, red chair, red carpet, all the staff are also red. A look at the past, like a wedding scene.

玄学, the last reluctance of the real estate person< /p>

The future of Jinmao is not to be outdone, and the more saturated red is dazzling. Both projects seem to be calling “red”, no red, only red. Red and hot, the speculative speculation: “This will not even be red underwear.”

玄学, the last reluctance of the real estate person< /p>

Chinese people have the culture of “Chonghong”. Red has the meaning of avoiding evil, auspiciousness and enthusiasm. Many people will hang red on holidays and will wear red in the year of the birth. Dongwang and Jin Maoyue’s “red” color war is a pledge to “sell” the real estate.

“Chonghong” is also a representative of metaphysics. The so-called metaphysics is some mysterious and mysterious, such as Feng Shui, customs, constellations, taboos, and even some homophonic. Unbelievers, smiled; people who believe, do not hesitate to buy peace of mind.

And real estate people can be said to be the most trusted group of “metaphysics”.

everywhere is feng (shui)

“Xuan (feng) (shui)” exists in a variety of details of the real estate project in a special and proud manner, showing the developers’ dying struggle in all directions. “.

According to rumors, just a few days ago, a real estate developer ranked above top10, the day before the opening of a project, the pressure of Shanda’s employees went to Tanzhe Temple to Press to relax.”

In fact, it is already a habit in the industry to burn incense and worship Buddha the day before the opening of the real estate. In Beijing, I went to the Lama Temple near me, and I went to Tanzhe Temple a little further.Many real estate developers are frequent visitors to the temple. The only thing that prays is “to complete the performance of 10 billion, the sale of real estate!”

In addition to asking God to worship Buddha, the metaphysics of real estate developers is more reflected in the project.

In terms of Feng Shui, the profession of Feng Shui master is extremely popular in the real estate circle. It is often called to do all kinds of “pointing”. It is rumored that a well-known Feng Shui master can stand for the developer once. Earn six or seven hundred thousand.

According to industry insiders, real estate developers are all employed by the feng shui masters. The orientation, ground and time of each project are counted. Before the start of some projects, a ceremony will be held. There are also people who have asked for masters from Taiwan to open the project.

Each sales office is a “big master” of the metaphysical scholars who believe in real estate. If you look closely, you can find a lot of shui. As a window to the property, all transactions are completed at the sales office. Real estate developers also believe that the feng shui of the sales office is extremely important. Before the construction and sales office, the Feng Shui master will definitely be surveyed.

All sales offices will be built in a so-called “gathering of wealth” position, such as the corner of the road, crossroads, T-junctions, etc., such a local transportation, it is easy to attract popularity, and popularity is the basis of wealth.

Or it is built in the northeast corner of the project, because there is a saying that the northeast corner symbolizes the “financial position”; or it is the western part, in the gossip position as “the red place”, the meaning is beneficial to sales.

The opening time is also very particular. Some properties are selected to open in the early hours of the morning. Although the official statement is to extend the time of sale on the same day, many people speculate that the Feng Shui master has counted the hours.

In the sales office, just a seemingly random display may have been pointed out by the “master.”

For example, the “water” element, there will be “water” in almost all sales offices. In the “Feng Shui” study, “mountain Guan Ding, water pipe wealth”, “mountain” good master Ding Xingwang; “water” is good, the main family home wealth. In the sales office to get the “water” element, that is, want to be rich.

The form of “water” in the sales office is very common with the borderless pool and “water curtain”. It has become a standard for sales offices. First, because it is in the wind and water, it needs water to flow, not dead water. Second, it may be because many developers use the same design to save costs, if it happens to be the last one. The project sells well, and this one can also be mixed with joy.

A sales office in Wenzhou

The elements of “mountain” are often seen in sales offices, sometimes in the form of stones or sculptures, sometimes as a stone chair, table, or a pot with mountain decorations. Potted plants, the most common are landscape paintings.

There is another “five elements” that some unintentional decorations, such as bamboo, porcelain, gold enamel and other common items, may correspond to one of the “Golden Wood Water and Fire”, and the location The opposite is true.

Unlike feng shui and customs, there are some metaphysical studies that have no special roots and make people laugh and cry.

If you see a few wheats on the sales floor, don’t be surprised, barley, homophonic is “big sale.” A salesperson half jokingly said that many of the favorite plants in the real estate circle are not lucky trees, nor rich bamboos, but “barley.” This fully reflects the mentality of real estate developers who are anxious to sell.

玄学, the last reluctance of the real estate person< /p>

In addition to the project name, each real estate company has several main products, and the same case name will be used in the same industry. According to industry sources, if a project with a case name sells particularly well, the developer is more willing to use the case name to name the next project. If the sale is not good, the case name may be sealed up and no longer needed. .

Do your best and listen to your destiny

In fact, all walks of life have a variety of metaphysical attention, but in the real estate industry, these attention is often put more. Behind this, it is actually a huge anxiety behind the real estate people’s 100 billion business.

In Beijing, real estate developers have almost no space within the four rings, and occasionally release one piece, they have to compete with competitors for your life. Finally, I won the land at a high price, and a small abacus, in addition to free supply of local commercial housing, in the context of the price limit and 70\90 policy, I can make little money.

In addition to the “old and small” in the city, expensive new homes are not necessarily competitive with these real estate elders who are ignorant of their own location.

Remove second, real estate developers can only run outside the Sixth Ring Road, there is no hospital, college, business district, next to the watermelon land, is the vineyard. I patted my head and racked my brains, consuming hundreds of thousands of brain cells, and only came up with the slogan “Let you enjoy the pastoral life.”

After seeing the next-door partner, Emmanuel has produced a signboard that “gives you and your family a broad future”, and this “future” refers to the subway that may pass through in the future.

The rate of deconstruction has become a steel knife that real estate people hang on their heads, and behind every top10 company, there are hundreds of billions of liabilities.

It’s good to take the land, build a house, design a house, promote publicity, and do everything, and the rest will only listen to the fate. Metaphysics has become the last reluctance of real estate people.

Don’t say real estate developers, which industry is not the case, in a blink of an eye is 9Month, there are only 3 months left in the past 2019. How far are you from the target set at the beginning of the year? Is your KPI still okay?

Don’t say it, Abai will have to go to the Lama Temple tomorrow.