Problem description: Toddler has fever and vomiting ~ unable to eat…
Date of problem: 2021-04-20
Patient information:Age: 4 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis: This situation is mostly caused by viral infections. Viral infections do not have specific medicines and require procedures. Generally, as long as there is no combined pneumonia and encephalitis, etc. Complications are usually no problem for five days to one week.
Guidelines: Use the antipyretic ibuprofen for more than 38.5, drink more water not more than 38.5, and use it if the fever is high. The fever can be reduced after the antipyretics. After the fever is reduced, the mental state can be temporarily observed. When the time is up, most of them are no problem, but one thing is that if the child has persistent mental depression, lethargy, headache, vomiting, and high fever, it is necessary Go to the hospital at any time
Suggestions are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination