Problem description:I have been injured by fireworks for three years, and I have no eyesight. Is it necessary to install an eye prosthesis? Are there other treatment options? Can the prosthetic eye stand and the prosthetic eye tablet be in place at one time?
Question date:2021-04-20
Patient information:Age: 30 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello, if the eyeball has been damaged and needs to be removed, it is necessary to install an artificial eye to maintain the appearance of the eye.
Guide suggestion: After the artificial eye table is placed in our eye socket, it needs to grow together with the orbital tissue, that is to say, the tissue in the eye socket, the blood vessels should grow into the face of the artificial eye socket , This usually takes about half a year, and then place the artificial eye piece.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection