Problem description:: Male, 28 years old, left chest trauma, chest pain, shortness of breath, blood in sputum, R36 beats/min, P110 beats/min, BP110/80mmHg, restlessness, trachea shifted significantly to the right , There is a 3cmx3cm abnormal breathing area on the left front wall of the chest, extensive subcutaneous emphysema can be palpable, percussion drum sounds on the left chest, and weak breathing sounds on the left chest. Question 1: What is the most likely diagnosis of the patient? Why is the left chest breath sound weakened? Why is the left chest percussion drum sound?
Question date: 2021-04-21
< b>Patient information:Age: 28 years old, Gender: Male
Problem analysis:Hello, I am your doctor. How long has it been? Have you checked in the hospital?
Guide suggestion: In this case, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a chest CT and three-dimensional reconstruction of the ribs. Detailed hospital inspection