Problem description: There are pigment deposits on the right side of the face and the chin. The doctor checked for flat warts. Cryotherapy is recommended. However, I checked on the Internet that cryotherapy will leave scars because of my chin. There is a relatively concentrated one, the size of a fingernail, please recommend a best treatment method, thank you very much.
Question date:2021-04-22
Patient information:Age: 93 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello flat warts, especially flat warts on the face. If you consider invasive treatments, such as freezing or lasers, you have to be cautious.
Guidelines: Generally speaking, see you first to use conservative methods. It is recommended that oral valacyclovir tablets and topical tretinoin ointment be applied to the affected area, and acyclovir ointment externally after the drug is absorbed, twice to three times a day. Generally used for 3 to 4 weeks. If the effect is not good, then consider using laser. Then consider freezing.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection