Problem description: Harm of medlar soaking in water
Question date:2020-12-23
Patient information: Age: Gender:
Goji berry is a commonly used medicine in traditional Chinese medicine. It can generally be used to invigorate the kidney and essence, nourish the liver and improve eyesight, etc. However, it is recommended to use a small amount and not to overuse it. Overdose may cause adverse reactions, so It is not recommended for colds, infectious diseases, diarrhea, etc. Excessive use may cause getting angry, nosebleeds, red and swollen eyes, etc. For people with phlegm constitution, taking too much can also aggravate phlegm and induce bronchitis. Acute attack, and then cause symptoms such as chest tightness and suffocation. Therefore, any medicine should be used in an appropriate amount. If you take too much, it will cause side effects.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection