Question description: The effect of soaking Chinese wolfberry and red dates in water
Question date:2020-12-05
Patient information: b>Age: Gender:
Goji berry plus red dates soaked in water has several effects: 1. Promote the absorption of iron in the body, because red dates wolfberry tea contains large iron elements, if there are people with iron deficiency anemia, more Drinking red date wolfberry tea can relieve the condition. 2. Warm the stomach and replenish blood. If you have a cold spleen and stomach, you can drink more red jujube wolfberry tea to enhance the body’s immunity. 3. Nourish your eyes and soothe your nerves. If your daily work is under a lot of pressure, you can drink a cup of red dates wolfberry tea every night to deepen your sleep.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection