Question description:Can wolfberry and astragalus be soaked in water for a long time?
Question date: 2020-12-19
Patient information: b>Age: Sex:
Astragalus and Lycium barbarum are two Chinese medicinal materials that are relatively common. Putting the two together and soaking in water at ordinary times can have a certain degree of kidney-tonifying effect, and it can also diuresis and reduce swelling, and can also replenish qi and blood. It is also helpful for protecting eyes and eyes and protecting liver and liver. , It can improve the body’s immunity to a certain extent. Lycium barbarum and Astragalus can be drunk for a long time without causing any harm to the body. Putting the two together and soaking in water for drinking, the relatively peaceful nature of Lycium barbarum can also reduce the warming and tonic properties of Astragalus, which can effectively Avoid getting angry. But you also need to pay attention to the right amount, not to drink too much.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection