Problem description: I was bitten by a dog and did not bleed the day before yesterday. I was vaccinated against rabies yesterday. Today, two 5-year-old children fell and hit the ground after hitting their heads with their heads. A CT scan was performed two hours later. Hemorrhage points in the brain. An hour later, I had a high fever, I wanted to feel nauseous and vomiting but didn’t vomit, and felt a little dizzy. There will be no symptoms after the fever subsides. After another day, I had another CT scan and there was no bleeding point. The blood test showed a bacterial infection. Does repeated fever have something to do with impact?
Question date:2021-05-09
Patient information:Age: 5 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello, I’m your doctor. This situation may be related to dog bites and vaccines.
Guidelines: In this case, treat symptomatically according to the symptoms. Pay attention to your body temperature.< br />Suggestions are for reference only, if the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination