Problem description: It takes at least one hour to fall asleep. Generally, two hours to fall asleep feels like a sleep disorder. What kind of medicine should I take?
Question date:2021 -05-19
Patient information:Age: 21 years old, Gender: Female
Problem analysis:For young people like this, if If the effect of lifestyle adjustment intervention is not good, you can take some middle-aged sleep aid drugs, such as early soothing, Bailemian, Bozi Yangxin Pills, etc. If the effect is not good, it is recommended to take western medicine.
Guide and suggestion: The most commonly used western medicines are sulavalan, sinos, zopiclone and so on. Short-term use will not have much impact, and long-term use will have a certain degree of dependence.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection