Problem description: One month old, the child caught a cold. After being treated in the hospital, he was discharged from the hospital one day and the next day, his nose snoring and snoring sound and the nose is not ventilated. There is also booger. I took a little spray of medicine and it didn’t get better for a week. Now I want to get the doctor’s help to make my child get better soon.
Question date:2021-05-26 < br />Patient information:Age: 1 year old, Gender: Female
Problem analysis:Hello, according to the situation you described, you should always keep warm. Don’t Catch cold.
Guide and suggestion: Give your baby more hot water to prevent getting caught up. The diet should be light. Pay more attention to observation. If there is any foreign body in the nose that has not improved with drug treatment, check Let’s take a blood test.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection