With goals and habits, if you don’t insist on reviewing and constantly adjusting your goals, you will have a hard time succeeding.

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Editor’s note: Do you want to set goals for yourself in this life? For this issue, everyone is also the same word. However, even if you set goals for yourself, you can even change your behavior habits, but if you don’t review them day after day and adjust your goals and behaviors in a timely manner, the door to success is hard to open for you. . In this article, the original title is Only 1% of Americans Do This Essential Daily Habit. By Benjamin Hardy, authors emphasize the importance of daily review and adjustment of goals, and I hope to inspire you.

On the daily habit of success, only 1% of people can stick to it

Image source: Pexels.com

Only 3% of Americans set clear goals for themselves. Only 1% can do the daily continuous review and adjust the target.

To say the difference between success and mediocrity is whether you are willing to spend five minutes a day to re-adjust your goals.

If you are not willing to spend five minutes each day, so that you can adjust your target plan in time, even if you have your own goals, you may only maintain your original habits and patterns. But no one can say that these habits and patterns can open the door to success for you.

Our life is always busy and busy; our life is always like a cow.

We can easily lose our life direction.

It’s easy to forget our goals and important to-dos.

We are very easy to go through the topA life that is unchanged and perfunctory.

We can easily spend a few weeks or even months doing nothing, and then find ourselves still far away from the goal.

We can easily ignore important small things in life.

It’s easy for us to live a “consumption” of “only going out”, but we are too lazy to plan our lives better.

We are very easy to pay attention to the various troubles we have encountered, but we do not pay attention to our own strengths and abilities.

Entertainment and entertainment will make you progress. Once you are addicted, you may have embarked on an endless road. The two ends of the first mouse are indecisive, and will only make you sit still, self-defeating, and disheartened.

Success is a choice

I hope that my success is not a decision about moral conduct.

Whether you are a good person or a bad person, you can have your own goals.

If you are a good person, you can also choose mediocrity.

These are your own choices, you have chosen to live like this.

You are not happy, it is your choice; you are not healthy, it is your choice; you have no money, but also your choice.

The decisions you make now can directly affect what kind of life you will live in after 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, or even 20 years.

When you look at yourself from the mirror, what you actually see is your choices, behaviors, and habits.

Only to the daily habit of success, only 1% of people can stick to it

Image source: Pexels.com

Persevere in the end

On the road of life, if you don’t want to stop from time to time, look back and examine what you are doing, then it’s basically difficult to keep going straight on the same road.

If you don’t develop the habit of reviewing and adjusting your goals every day, I can be sure that neither your behavior nor your overall performance will be optimal.

Without clear goals and directions, your behavioral habits and motivations will become erratic.

Every day (especially after getting up early in the morning), you don’t look at and adjust your target direction. Your daily life may actually become “walking through the field.”

Then, you will find that you have lost your way, lost your goals, and even have various relationships.Now the problem.

You will lack motivation to do things, and you will become suspicious when you do things.

In all aspects of life, you will continue to lower your standards, whether it is your own influence or daily activities, as long as you can pass, you will become very content.

From time to time, you may be stimulated by an environmental factor around you, and then suddenly remember that you have goals and dreams. At this time, you may become excited immediately, and the enthusiasm will bring you back on track.

You will even do some powerful things, such as sending positive and useful information to important people, going to the gym to exercise, writing a diary, or implementing actions toward a set goal.

However, unless you have developed the habit of reviewing, reviewing, and adjusting goals and planning every day, you are unlikely to make much progress.

In order to make more progress, you need motivation. To gain motivation, you must insist on day after day.

Of course, persistence does not mean that every day we try to do this, but on the basis of doing it every day, we must become better and better.

In order to make yourself better and better, you must constantly adjust your goals. For example, there are no so-called goals for some people to go to the gym. They just want to move their own muscles, and some even just take photos, there is no clear idea of ​​which aspect to get better.

Only to the daily habit of success, only 1% of people can stick to it

Image source: Pexels.com

In the book Turning Pro, author Steven Pressfield writes that “addiction is a repetition of no progress.”

Continuously doing one thing may be the way you develop a certain behavioral habit. However, habit does not guarantee success.

If you don’t review and review your behavioral habits, these so-called “habits” may make you indifferent, overwhelmed, and even lose your sense of participation. These habits may lead you to develop a mentally “no mind.”

In fact, what you are going to do is not to develop habits, but to be consistent.

You must consistently “punch” and achieve new breakthroughs on an existing basis.

You wantKeep yourself focused and achieve what you want to achieve. Then, through bolder and more powerful actions, through day-to-day persistence, we will strive toward the goal on the basis of constant concentration.

In the process of fighting toward your goals, your personal identity will change. You will soon discover that you are becoming the one in your heart.

You will change your personality.

You will change your expectations.

You will change your confidence.

You will change your subconscious mind.

You will change your environment.

You will change your ending.

You can produce results more easily. And these results are what we have to do before we can do our best.

Your new normal will inevitably be higher than the steps you once dreamed of.

In addition, your standards for yourself and your empathy for others will be further enhanced.

For life, you will have a deeper understanding. And your feelings and the ability to love will continue to improve.

You will have new explanations for your understanding of life. You no longer care about what you want, you just want to help others as much as you can.

You will also shift from consumption to creation.

You no longer care about the environment around you, but focus on the impact you can create for your own and others.

In order to benefit others, you will be more willing to change your original life. In order to make your results better, you will constantly improve your standards.

Your goals will become bigger and farther. And your self-confidence can be measured in turn by the loftyness of the target.

Many people only want to live a stable life because they have no information to believe and achieve a better future.

Confidence can be continuously gained and improved, but only if you persist and invest day in and day out.

You can create more confidence thanks to your choice. Of course, you can lose confidence because of your choice.

Your confidence can reflect your self-confidence.

You trust yourself more, and you are more willing to do things that are beyond your current abilities. You are more distrustful of yourself, and you are even less willing to make decisions and fulfill commitments.


You can try to review the following 10 questions:

  1. When was the last time you set a goal for yourself?

  2. Would you review and adjust your goals after getting up in the morning?

  3. You will be the night beforePrepare for the success of the next day, or immerse yourself in all kinds of things that interfere with your attention?

  4. Do you really love yourself?

  5. Do you really care about yourself?

  6. If yes, why didn’t you succeed?

  7. Why didn’t you let yourself live a better life?

  8. Why don’t you know yourself more clearly, see the current situation, and find your own goals?

  9. Why didn’t you make yourself clearer on these things and create a better future and life for yourself with confidence?

  10. Why didn’t you raise your own standards and give up on secondary issues and choices that have been blocking you?

Hurry and decide!

You can only influence other factors when you start making decisions.

You can make up your mind and set it up today and keep reviewing and constantly adjusting your goals.

Then you can keep doing your best and keep your behavior habits in harmony with your future dreams.

When you look at and adjust your goals day in and day out, you become more confident. And as confidence increases, your belief in success will increase.

Your personal identity will change. Your environment will change. Your brain will change accordingly. You will constantly change, and you will eventually open the door to success.

Translator: Ishii Junichi