Obesity is not all diseases, and discrimination is ill.

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “GymSquare Refinement” (ID: GymSquare), the author Xue Ying.

Voices for obese people seem to have become synonymous with “equal rights” in society, whether it is controversial
  “female body inclusive “,
  Or social movements such as “fat liberation”, are all seeking equal opportunities for obese people.
  But even then, the prejudice experienced by obese people is still very common
  . For example, the society’s “weight humiliation” for obese people will lead
  An elevated level of cortisol in this population, a stress hormone that causes high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. Including doctors are “fat bias” on, made many mistakes . For example, when diagnosing an overly obese person, the doctor may
  Because of the patient’s body shape and make a preconceived diagnosis, it is considered that weight loss is a priority before the specific treatment plan.
  Prejudice against the patient’s body shape has affected the original treatment plan.
  Obesity is not sick, very sick discrimination | GymSquare

including coaches, group lesson for obesity The crowd pays less attention and is too highStrength or inappropriate training moves will put the health of obese people at risk. Even for a more refined drug development system, because the sample size of obese people is not collected enough, the dosage and treatment plan are not scientific for obese people.

Psychology at the University of Connecticut, Maureen McHugh and Joan Chrisler, several studies have shown that the psychological stress caused by obesity discrimination will make the physical and mental health of obese people Poor, For example, doctors provide different treatment options based on their weight, and exclude obese people from the study area, resulting in insufficient medication for patients.

obesity is not all disease, discrimination is sick
  Obesity discrimination leads to severe psychological stress, all obesity prejudice,
  In the end, it may lead to misdiagnosis and delay in treatment, reduce training effects and even increase risk. More importantly, it will aggravate the physical and mental health problems of obese people.
  . In order to reduce this “obesity bias” and “weight humiliation”, the United States even has a special organization: Health at Every Size (HAES) to change the lifestyle of obese people, Allow doctors to objectively diagnose the condition, and prejudice against the patient’s body shape is excluded from the medical system. Of course, for a more everyday gym workout. It’s time for the fitness instructors to understand the effect of obesity training, need to be included in the training plan before being discriminated against. In general, obesity bias and weight humiliation are experiencing a crisis in the health of “big people.” Whether it is a doctor or a coach, should pay more attention to the psychology and physiology of obese people, not just weight.
  obesity is not all disease, discrimination is sick |GymSquare Doctors are also “obesity bias”

For obese people, it is difficult to escape the prejudice and humiliation related to body type in contemporary society. The size of the chair from the bus to the intensity of the fitness class seems to be full of prejudice against obese people.

Joan Chrisler, a professor of psychology at the Connecticut College in the United States, said the study showed that disrespect for obese patients and obesity discrimination is a stress for obese patients May cause the patient to delay seeking medical care or avoid communicating with doctors and caregivers.

In addition, prejudice against obese people may also affect medical research findings because overweight people are often excluded from medical research samples.

Based on hypothesis of health status, this means that the standard dose of the drug may not be suitable for larger body types, and recent studies have shown that overweight patients take antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs Insufficient dose.

Obes are not all diseases, discrimination is sick

The data suggests that doctors will recommend different treatments based on the patient’s condition. In fact, most doctors will recommend “reduction of weight loss” for treatments for obese people,< Strong> For other patients with average body weight, CAT scans, blood tests or physical therapy are recommended.

In addition, doctors seem to be less concerned about the average patient than obese patients, or still Thinking that weight is the main cause of the current conditionCause. More than such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disease in women, affecting up to 10% of female populations.

  obesity is not all diseases, discrimination isIll|GymSquare
  Weight discrimination leads to obesity and health problems

However, many obese patients have not been diagnosed. The more reason is that doctors are only defined as obesity, and weight loss is one of the treatment options.

A confusing problem in medical PCOS is to diagnose it as overweight or obese
  Therefore, doctors often attribute obesity to lack of activity and excessive diet rather than looking for the root cause. In the case of PCOS, sex hormone imbalance is the source of the disease itself.

According to a study covering more than 300 samples, the likelihood of obese patients having undiagnosed medical conditions (such as endocarditis, ischemic bowel disease or lung cancer) is other 1.65 times, This indicates that obese patients have a much lower chance of misdiagnosis or access to health care than ordinary patients.
  obesity is not all disease, discrimination is sick |GymSquare

  Polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS

The American Psychological Society’s research report also shows that negative attitudes of health care workers may also lead to increased psychological stress. For example, doctors are obviously reluctant to contact obese patients, or emphasize the weight of patients.It is this implicit attitude that obese patients experience discrimination and stress during long-term diagnosis.

In the medical perspective, obesity is often conceptualized as a disease. As a treatment, weight loss is the center of health as a standard. However, the factors that cause disease also include genetics, diet, stress, etc., but weight often becomes a measure of unhealthyness.

obesity is not all disease, discrimination is livelyDisease|GymSquare

  a vicious circle between obesity and mental stress

There is no doubt that unequal medical treatment of obese people is exacerbating the health and even psychological state of such people,and social media is also tired of obesity prejudice.

By the spread of virality on social media, obesity discrimination and prejudice are also rampant on campus, and weight becomes the most common cause of obsessive students being bullied at school,85% reported The interviewed teenagers saw overweight classmates being teased in physical education classes.

In general, obesity bias is a growing problem in both medical diagnosis and social media.

obesity is not all disease, discrimination is sick

Body humiliation in cruel society

It is not difficult to see that most parts of the world still have a high prevalence of obesity, and at the same time there is a culture of obesity and weight discrimination.Some forms of “weight humiliation” can be said. Even discrimination is more common than race or ethnicity.

Although there are views that obesity discrimination and prejudice may be beneficial to the health of obese patients, the latest science shows that weight discrimination and mortality, and other chronic diseases and conditions Some are intimately connected.

When participants were tested for obesity discrimination and prejudice in their experiments, their diet increased, their self-discipline decreased and their cortisol levels were higher relative to the control group, especially those who thought they were overweight. people.

obesity is not all diseases, discrimination is sick |GymSquare

  Obesity discrimination is related to escape movement

In addition, the survey showed that weight discrimination is related to escapism. As experiments and investigations have shown, weight stigma caused by weight gain has long-term effects, and patients choose to reduce exercise or not exercise, This leads to increased weight and risk of epilepsy.

The effects of weight discrimination may even extend to mortality.

In health and retirement studies, including 13,692 seniors and 5,079 adults in the US middle-aged (MIDUS) study, Reports show a 60% increase in the risk of death from weight loss , independent of BMI, the potential mechanism for studying this relationship that controls BMI may reflect social pressure and indirect effects.

obesity is not all diseases, discrimination is sick |GymSquare In addition to physical illness, weight shame It also has a certain negative impact on mental health.
  The data suggests that the likelihood of a patient being discriminated against because of their weight and the risk of anxiety is about 2.5 times that of others.
  Of course, this adverse effect of weight discrimination on mental health is not limited to the United States, and weight-related responses have also been shown to predict depression risk in other countries. It is important to note that this association usually ranges from discrimination to mental health.
  obesity is not all diseases, discrimination is sick |GymSquare obese people,
  It’s also a healthy crowd
  There is also a gradual change in weight bias, and some doctors are currently looking for new, therapy for obese patients without color glasses, such as Health at Every Size (HAES), the American Society for Body and Health Differences. Currently providing obese patients with the latest treatments. Different from traditional treatment, HAES’s treatment philosophy is to let patients focus on healthy living habits. For example, to improve the quality of sleep, select your favorite sports, reasonable nutritious meals, and finally whether you can successfully lose weight is not the result of HAES, HAES thinks the most important thing is Prejudice against the patient’s size is excluded from the medical system, allowing each doctor to objectively diagnose the condition based on the patient’s health, rather than focusing solely on weight.
  obesity is not all disease, discrimination is sick |GymSquare for medical The most effective way to discriminate against obesity is to address the behaviors and attitudes of stigmatized health care workers or institutions. This ubiquitous problem requires a multi-pronged approach in the healthcare environment, as well as in government and society. Strategy.
  In the medical environment, medical training needs to address weight discrimination, and medical professionals and students need to be concerned about what weight prejudice is, how to use the correct scientific treatment and the impact of weight on patients. obesity is not all disease, discrimination is ill

The establishment of legal protection is also a way to maintain obese people.
  In the United States, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not determine weight.For protected features, only in rare cases can a person with a very high BMI seek legal protection under the US Disability Act legislation.

Of course, after doctors and the law believe that obese people are also healthy, the coaching group can better treat obese people.

obesity is not all disease, discrimination is sick For example, obese people should not be subjected to “torture” in the aerobic zone. The group should follow the majority of people (including obese people) to design the intensity of the course.
And for most gyms, fitness is not necessarily muscular and perfect, an obese but healthy bodybuilder should have more confidence in the daily exercise of the gym. Fat
  Fat prejudice and weight humiliation are still widespread in a slightly mean social value weight. Returning to health and equality, obese people are not a minority. They are widespread in society and will continue to be a social component.