Problem description: Dizziness and vomiting. After two or three hours, everything is normal again. He has a history of seven or eight years. It used to be committed once a year. In the past two years, there have been more cases of illness, two or three. I fell ill once a month, and recently it was once a month. I went to our hospital on April 14 for a medical treatment and was prescribed medicine, but it didn’t get better.
Question date:2021-05-30
Patient information:Age: 57 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: In this case, no obvious otolaryngology problems have been found. It is necessary to focus on the cervical spine and cerebrovascular problems. To see if there is stenosis, which has caused transient cerebral ischemia, neck and cerebrovascular angiography is needed. There is also a problem that needs to be checked for heart problems. Such as the problem of arrhythmia.
Guide and suggestion: In addition to the angiographic examination, it is recommended to have a Holter examination. Before the cause is identified, the effect of such treatment is often not very good. Generally speaking, the frequency of paroxysmal vertigo is not very high, and it should be possible to check and diagnose the problem.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection