How do organizations that do not care about employee feelings fail step by step?

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Note Man” (ID: Notesman ), author Zhao Jin.

Do these two things and improve employee engagement

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  On August 28, 2019, at the “Second August 28th Guangdong Human Resources Summit and Human Resources Service Exhibition” hosted by the Guangdong Human Resources Management Association, Zhao Jin, Consultant Director of Gallup China Southern China, made a speech entitled ” How to maintain performance growth in the process of organizational change?” The notes are reviewed by the organizer and the speaker and authorized to be released.
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Complete notes • Organization management

This article is good: ★★★+ Taste: Pineapple Pie

Notes invite you to think before reading:

  • What is the pain point in change management?
  • What is the scientific method of change management?
  • What emotional process does a person have when they encounter major changes?

Organizational change, or change management, is an enduring topic. Especially in contemporary China, many companies are experiencing some big or small changes, which has become a developmental normal.

My clients often refer to the word “change”, but the change that everyone generally believes is just to write a change plan, to optimize the system and process.

These are not difficult, the most difficult is how to make the change more effective and effective – this is a common pain point in change management.

What we are going to talk about today involves change management, performance management, employee experience, engagement, customer experience, customer relationship management, and talent selection and development.

First, the two major pain points of change management

Change management is a topic that many companies are very concerned about. Especially for localized companies, after experiencing the brutal growth of the previous one or two years, everyone is now seeking new changes.

No matter how big or small the change is, everyone pays attention to one thing, that is, how can a company make a seemingly perfect institutional change, better able to land, and internalize into employee behavior.

The best institutional process, if there is no way to translate into behavior, then this change is also difficult to produce results.

1. Where is the pain point of change management?

First we have to answer a question: Why do we want to make changes?

The sole purpose of change is to help companies achieve a high degree of consistency with the external environment.

We have a lot of real estate companies. We have been transforming and changing since a few years ago. For example, Country Garden and Poly started to be new energy, Vanke began to pay attention to education, and investment began to pay attention to the cruise home port.

Because of the scarcity of land resources, the traditional growth in land acquisition is no longer applicable today, so everyone began to seek diversified development.

It is the changes in the external environment, the changes in the economic situation, the innovation of science and technology, the adjustment of laws and regulations, and the changes in society, which prompt enterprises to constantly adjust the internal strategy, organizational structure, and personnel relations to adapt to a series of Changes.

Many companies also regard change as a rebranding and repositioning opportunity, so they will adjust their business model, rebuild corporate culture, adjust performance indicators and performance management, and do some operational methods through change management. Changes, do some leadership and team adjustments, etc. –

This is what many companies will do. It can also be seen that change may have become the norm.

But everyone thinks about it, how many successful business changes, how many are successfulof? 70% have failed.

This figure is not estimated by us, but is estimated by some professional scholars through the study of management experience.

In other words, more than two-thirds of corporate change ended in failure.

The pain point of change 1: Ignore human factors

Traditional change emphasizes top-down advancement and often ignores bottom-up change management.

Especially in the process of change, establish two-way communication channels, constantly listen, feedback and adjust to form such an organic cycle, which is often ignored by many companies.

So we sum up the reasons for the failure of the change, there are three reasons for people:

First, a few people lead and are not recognized by the general public. This change may be recognized by some executives, but the leadership does not recognize it, and employees may have very different opinions.

Second, there is no “rational” change. Whether the reform plan is reasonable, whether the optimization of the process system is theoretically feasible, and whether the company has a soil that is friendly to change can help us to better transform the change.

How to create a unified culture and values? How to match the values ​​and cultural cognition of employees and managers at all levels with the culture of change advocated by the company? These are also important factors in determining the outcome of the change.

Third, only push from top to bottom, without paying attention to bottom-up and how to establish an effective communication channel.

The theoretical changes are theoretically good, correct, and necessary, and can make our system more perfect, can help us gain the competitive advantage of the market, and help us improve efficiency.

But if we don’t do proper communication and publicity, and don’t pay attention to employees’ ideas, employees are likely to see change as completely unnecessary and wrong.

Even employees will think that this change is a political struggle at the top of the company, it is a shady; or this change has changed the way I used to work, I feel very uncomfortable, and even for me. The immediate interests are harmful.

–So everyone can see that if we don’t pay attention to people in the change, especially the emotional factors of people, many seemingly perfect changes will have various problems.

Why do people’s perceptual factors are so important, and in many cases determine the success or failure of change management? Because of human judgment and decision making, only 30% of cases depend on reason, and 70% of cases depend on sensibility.

There is a famous psychological theory, the Kübler-Ross curve, which is a good example of some of the emotional changes that people face in the face of major change events. It has become an important part of many change management models:

In the first phase, when people experience change, the first reaction is surprise, then they will start to refuse