Problem description: I always use exfoliating products, which causes the stratum corneum to be particularly thin. I want to repair it. How do I repair the stratum corneum?
Question date:2021-06-12
Patient information:Age: 22 Gender: Female
Thin stratum corneum can be treated conservatively Or it can be done in a physical way, which can be selected according to the condition of the skin. The stratum corneum is thin, which may be caused by factors such as using a cleansing mask during daily work, not doing a good job of sun protection on the face, or lack of water on the facial skin. If there is no discomfort on the relatively mild facial skin, moisturize the face daily, reduce skin irritation, take sun protection measures when going out, and avoid eating more irritating foods. If it is more serious, you can go to the hospital to repair the stratum corneum of the skin through laser or photorejuvenation. When repairing the stratum corneum, you can eat more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A and C in your daily diet, which can also improve skin problems. Control the water temperature when washing your face.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection