On November 30, the news learned that the Real Estate Industry Association of Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province recently issued the “Proposal on Promoting the Stable and Healthy Development of the City’s Real Estate Industry” (referred to as the “Proposal”).

The “Proposal” pointed out that the sudden new crown epidemic has brought great challenges to all walks of life, and the real estate industry bears the brunt of the basic industry for urban development. In order to cope with the impact of the epidemic, some companies have to adopt price reduction promotions to speed up the destocking. Reasonable price concessions are bound to stimulate sales, accelerate the return of funds, alleviate the difficulties of enterprises and benefit the general public. However, a small number of companies have seen unfair competition behaviors of cliff-cutting prices and maliciously grabbing market shares, which has extremely adverse effects on the entire city’s real estate industry and severely disrupted the healthy development of the city’s real estate companies.

The “Proposal” mentioned that the relevant state, provincial and municipal departments clearly pointed out that to ensure the stable development of the real estate industry, the association has the responsibility to deal with these behaviors that seriously undermine market stability. Correct. In order to fully implement the relevant national policies, based on the current operating conditions of the city’s real estate enterprises, the Zhangjiajie Real Estate Industry Association issued an initiative to all member units.

The “Proposal” suggests that real estate companies should actively assume social responsibilities, ensure complete sales procedures during the sales process, and ensure that housing information is open and transparent. At the same time, ensure that the quality of the house meets the standards and strictly fulfill the contractual agreement. Strengthen distribution management, avoid false publicity, prevent market kidnapping caused by high commission distribution, and do not maliciously reduce prices. The sales price of commercial housing shall not be higher than the record price, and shall not be lower than 80% of the record price.

At the same time, the real estate industry is related to the national economy and people’s livelihood. I hope that all member units will unite and actively respond to the government’s call to strengthen corporate integrity, achieve legal operations, and strive to create a healthy and healthy industry. An orderly business environment promotes the long-term development of the enterprise. At the same time, take the initiative to assume social responsibilities and make due contributions to building a harmonious society and improving the happiness index of the people.