Problem description: I went to a beauty salon to have my eyebrow tattoos. After the eyebrow tattoos, local swelling appeared. I want to reduce the swelling quickly. How can I quickly reduce the swelling after the eyebrow tattoos?
Question date:2021-06-14
Patient information:Age: 25 Gender: Female
After eyebrow tattoos, external application can be used To quickly reduce the swelling, you can also use drugs to reduce the swelling. Most people may experience local swelling after eyebrow tattoos. You can apply a cold compress to the area first, which can calm the skin and prevent the swelling symptoms from getting worse. After 24 hours, you can change to a hot compress, which can speed up the local area. The blood circulation makes the swelling disappear as soon as possible. For more severe swelling, oral anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling drugs can also be used for treatment. Eyebrow tattooing is by injecting pigment into the subcutaneous tissue through embroidery needles, which can achieve the effect of improving the shape of the eyebrows. You can apply some eyebrow repair liquid appropriately to form a protective film on the local area and reduce the chance of infection.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection