Some people will not believe in you and your dreams until you realize them.

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Editor’s note: We all dream of our own success. When we are based on the present and look forward to where we will go in the future, we will find that there is still a huge gap between the two. How to make up for these gaps and success, you need to evaluate whether you have the qualities of success. This article is translated from medium, article author Francis R., original title Do you have the traits to be successful?

There are 5 essential qualities for success, how many do you have?

Image source: Nina Uhlíková from Pexels

We are here today to talk about a very important topic – success. Everyone wants to succeed in life. In general, this means that you are doing what you like and working in a field you love. At the same time, you are in good health and have a good relationship with family and friends. You have everything you need.

This is the real success.

But not everyone can do this. Life swings between success and failure. There are situations that you can’t control, and it’s precisely these situations that will make you deviate from the path to success.

Now you think about where you are now and where you will go in the future. You will find that there is still a huge gap between the present and the future. How do you know that you can narrow the gap between reality and goals? Maybe this article can help you answer this question.

1. You know how much sacrifice you need to achieve your goals

In this world, everything you do has a price. You usually have two main resources to sacrifice: your time and/or money. No matter what you do, you need to sacrifice one or two at the cost.

Imagine your goal is to get a four-year university degree. In fact, your parents have squandered your tuition, but you may feel that it is free for yourself. But you neglect yourself and you have invested time in it, and you could have used this time to gain social experience and make money.

This is actually a basic concept of economic principles, opportunity cost.

When you need to take the examWhen you study, you give up time with your friends.

Now that you are successful, do you know what kind of sacrifice you must make in order to succeed? It’s important to know this because you need to know the price you have to pay before you know if you want to pay the price.

2. You are willing to make any sacrifices

Imagine you work on Wall Street, which means you will get a fairly high salary. But you want to start your own business. Are you willing to resign for something that you are not even sure if you can succeed?

Knowing that you need to pay for sacrifice is one thing, and willing to make sacrifices is another.

But this is exactly what Jeff Bezos did. He used to be a programmer on Wall Street.

Then, he had the idea of ​​selling books online, which was an idea that no one tried or heard, especially since the Internet was completely different from our Internet today. Then he told his boss what he thought, and the boss said to him: “This is a good idea, but for those who have not yet worked on Wall Street.”

But Bezos is willing to gamble on everything to realize his dream. He quit his job, borrowed all his parents’ savings, and wrote history and legend.

Are you willing to make any sacrifices for success? If the answer is yes, then you will eventually succeed.

Fortunately, now you don’t have to gamble on your parents’ savings to succeed. But you need to sacrifice your time to spend time with your family and friends to paint your dreams.

3. You must be able to stick to it

You need to know the fact that there will always be opponents on your way to fulfilling your dreams.

Someone will not believe you and your dreams until you realize them.

The skeptics are everywhere. For example, your parents or your partner may warn you about potential failures and so on. They may have the best intentions in the world, but they just don’t understand why you have to do what you should.

You need to be strong at those moments. You need to be determined to achieve your vision and dreams.

But most of the time, skeptics are those who don’t want you to succeed because they know that there are only two ways to make them feel better: either work harder than you or drag your hind legs.

The first option is too much work, and the second option is like saying “The risk is too big, you think about how you failed, and finally how to do homelessness” is as simple as that. At those moments, you should thank those opponents and continue to work hard for your dreams.

4. You know the value you bring to the world

Yes, readers and friends. To be successful, you need to provide something valuable to the world.

The more people you can influenceMore, you will be more successful, at least in terms of economic returns.

If you can influence millions of people, you will become a millionaire. But if you can bring value to billions of people, you will become a billionaire.

Steve Jobs succeeded because he changed the way we listen to music with the iPod and changed the way we talk to each other with the iPhone. Zuckerburg succeeded because he found a new way to connect with friends and family. Beyoncé and Jay-Z were also successful because of the millions of people who have been entertained.

When you contribute your unique talent to the world, your success is only a matter of time.

This is why you need to share your thoughts with the world. Create value, and then you will get ten times, a hundred times return.

This is similar to investing in the stock market. If you don’t invest in a penny, the result must be nothing. When you invest $40,000, you get a little bit of interest. But when you invest $10 million and can guarantee an 8% yield, you get a return of $800,000.

As the saying goes: “Grow melons and melons, and grow beans.”

5. You are surrounded by people you want to emulate

I will read biographies of successful people and listen to their interviews. They attribute their success to hard work and luck, but there is another reason, that is, the people they interact with.

Successful people will choose who to make friends with.

You may often hear the phrase “You are the average of 5 people around you”, believe me, this is true.

With pessimistic people, you will look at life with a negative eye. If you want to be happy, be with happy people. Always with alcoholic people, you will start drinking soon.

This is why it is important to have a great mentor.

The reason I emphasize “great” is because you need to find someone who really wants you to be successful, willing to invest for you, and willing to challenge you.

More importantly, you need to find someone who can make your dreams come true. If you want to be a great basketball player, it doesn’t make sense to let Messi be your mentor.

At the same time, you should not waste anyone’s time. You all need to invest. If you don’t want to work hard, no mentor—no matter how great he is—can make you a success.

If you have these 5 qualities, congratulations, you are on the right path to success. If you don’t have one, it’s best to start deliberately cultivating these qualities in your life.

Translator: Xitang