Problem description: I have many acne pits on my face, and I don’t always feel very good. I want to improve it by injecting salicylic acid. Is salicylic acid effective in removing acne pits?
Question date:2021-06-14
Patient information:Age: 37 Gender: Female
Salicylic acid may be used for acne treatment It has no effect. Salicylic acid is a natural anti-inflammatory drug that can reduce inflammation and sterilization, but it cannot remove acne pits. Salicylic acid can remove the stratum corneum of the face and promote skin metabolism. If you have acne pits on your face, you can go to a regular hospital for laser removal. The laser uses a specific wavelength of the laser to promote the proliferation of collagen under the skin. There is also a grinding effect. Generally, continuous laser is about 3-4 times, which can achieve the purpose of removing acne pits, which can have a good effect on removing acne pits. Be sure to take care of your face after the laser, wear a sun hat when you go out, and avoid exposure to sunlight, so as not to cause pigmentation.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection