Is the domestic game crowdfunding environment really not very optimistic?

Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Game Grape” (ID: youxiputao)< / a>, author: Fez meow

I have always heard people say that crowdfunding has changed.

From a player’s point of view, a game crowdfunding project can be equivalent to jokes, rotten tails, pies, marketing, and scams. “Star Citizen” may be such a presence. This is an undisputed crowdfunding star, and since 2012, the amount of funds raised has exceeded $234 million. But the game has never been officially released. This makes people call it a crowdfunding miracle, while questioning it is the biggest “scam” in the history of the game.

“Sammu 3” has also experienced similar situations. The enthusiasm of the supporters allowed the game to achieve two Guinness World Records in crowdfunding in 2015. In June of 2019, when the game announced that Epic was monopolized, the group of enthusiastic people, who were full of anger, felt only betrayed.

Game crowdfunding, perhaps with the looseness of trust ties, has become a no-wind. Market research firm ICO Partners noticed this early. According to their latest report, in the first half of this year, there were 678 game crowdfunding projects submitted on the kickstarter platform – this figure is the lowest level of the platform since the first half of 2013.

China Game Crowdfunding Five Years: The Hope of Independent Developers Has Burned Out? According to the data, the popularity of game crowdfunding overseas is not as good as before. What the grape priest cares about is the domestic game crowdfunding. How is it now? In June of this year, I interviewed an independent developer. This time the monarch was worried about the funds. I asked him why he did not consider crowdfunding? He said that it was already a mirage.

It turns out that even developers have begun to doubt the crowdfunding. But is the environment really so pessimistic? Grape King tried to find the answer from 389 game class crowdfunding projects on the Mobility Network.

5 years, 183 games successful crowdfunding

As a well-known crowdfunding platform in China, Mod Point was established in April 2014. As of September 11, 2019, a total of 389 game projects were launched on the platform.