Problem description: I am just 30 years old this year, but there is severe hair loss. I heard from my friends that fiber transplantation can treat hair loss. What is fiber transplantation?
Question date:2021-06-14
Patient information:Age: 30 Sex: Male
Fibrous hair transplant is mainly transplanted protein fiber Wigs, to achieve the effect of hair transplantation and improve the phenomenon of hair loss. Fiber transplantation is a new technology of hair transplantation. By planting the fiber of the wig into the scalp, the effect of hair transplantation can be achieved immediately, and the recovery is faster. It is suitable for people with particularly thin hair or total hair loss. Local regular hospitals have experienced doctors who perform fiber hair transplantation, which can ensure the safety of the operation and the effect of the operation. After the operation, local care should be taken to avoid local inflammation and infection, and do not do strenuous exercise.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection