Tencent wants to continue to make short video innovations.

Big company

Tencent PCG established “X Business Unit” to develop innovative business

Tencent platform and content business group (PCG) established an “X business unit”, focusing on innovative business, directly led by Tencent COO Ren Yuzhen. The number of the business unit has reached more than ten people and is still expanding. The division is independent of PCG’s long-term video, information flow, social platform and other services. The main task is to explore new content platform products for Tencent. A person familiar with the matter said that the direction currently being tried includes short video innovation. (LatePost later)

Huawei’s wholly-owned subsidiary invests in artificial intelligence companies to think deeply

It was learned that recently, from the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System, Hubble, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Huawei, invested in artificial intelligence companies to think deeply. This is the first time that it has invested in domestic artificial intelligence enterprises. Deep Thinking is an AI company specializing in brain-based artificial intelligence and deep learning core technology. Its most prominent technology is “multi-modal deep semantic understanding engine and human-computer interaction technology”, which can understand multi-mode such as text and visual image. The deep semantics behind unstructured data, the application scenarios are smart cars, smart phones, smart homes, smart healthcare, and so on.

Alibaba: AliExpress has grown more than 100% in three consecutive seasons

It is learned that Liu Peng, general manager of Tmall Import and Export Group, disclosed that as of now, there are more than 22,000 overseas brands in Tmall International, covering more than 4,300 product categories, and products from 78 countries and regions. According to its name, Lazada is the most-serviced and fastest-growing e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia. As of August this year, the annual active consumers exceeded 50 million, and orders for three consecutive quarters increased by more than 100% in the second quarter of 2019. The growth rate is 128%.

Vibrato Start Creator Sharing Program

It was learned that Vibrato announced the official launch of “I want to be better – sharing the plan with friends of Tay and Ta”, and invited the vibrato users to share their experiences. The first sharing event was held on September 11th at the Jiaoji Railway Museum in Jinan, Shandong Province. In the future, Chaoyin will hold sharing activities in various provinces and cities across the country.