This article comes from the public name Drugs (ID: youhaoxifilm), author Jiang Yuqi, and Ai Faner is authorized to publish.

Nintendo is 130 years old.

September 23, one of the world’s oldest electronic game software and hardware development companies, “100-year-old shop” Nintendo celebrated its 130th anniversary. In the long history of the society, especially in the decades after the development of video games in the 1970s, Nintendo not only created one sales miracle, but also profoundly influenced and changed the game industry, becoming a pivotal culture in contemporary history. symbol.

▲Nintendo Creation Society 130th Anniversary

However, “one big family” has never been the main theme of the entertainment industry. Even if Nintendo is sought after, it is not an unbeatable existence. In the past few decades, there have been countless opponents who want to pick Nintendo from the hegemonic position. In the process, there have been both Sega’s frustrated losers, and Sony’s ability to fight against it, and now the rise of mobile games. Undoubtedly also changing the ecology of the game industry.

by industry environment,