Taking advantage of the holidays, turn off the mobile phone network, and be an “inefficient” person.

When the sense of freshness in life fades away and a sense of emptiness comes to mind, it’s time to give yourself an “offline vacation”. Taking advantage of the holidays, turning off the mobile phone network, when an “inefficient” person can be alone, can meditate, can be emptied, charge himself, and refocus.

1, Give you an “offline time”, how do you fix yourself?

Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Steve Jobs made the word “Think Week” popular, and many people now know this year or every two years. The benefits of a personal retreat. You can be alone, you can meditate, you can vacate, you can concentrate on creative thinking. It can help us lower the volume of life, recharge ourselves, refocus, and stimulate creative thinking.

Holiday recommendation| Give yourself a

2,From now on, be an “inefficient” person

The smartphone once excites me because it can do a lot of things; now I am excited to leave the smartphone, because I can’t do a lot of things myself. Leaving the screen, you can control your time. Try setting the “Technical Sabbath” and stick to it for ten years.

3, How to develop a positive and optimistic attitude?

If a person has been trying to make changes, he tried various methods and found that the problem is still there. For example, he is still so confused and anxious. He is still full of disappointment and dissatisfaction with himself. All that is done is the first sequence of changes, and what he really needs is actually the second sequence of changes.

4, You are not really happy, what should I do?

When the freshness of life fades away, I end home every day and return home. A sense of emptiness comes to my heart and I can’t help but ask myself. Is it really what I am craving in my heart? Am I really happy?

Or lack of courage to get out of the safe zone, or blind optimism and confidence, let us cross the current moment to worry about the past and the future. If you have recently felt unhappy, please take a look at today’s article and perhaps help you find and live a positive “just” approach.

Holiday recommendation| Give yourself a

5, A group of people who have left the gym have entered the world of meditation

If we consider “physical and mental health” as the common needs of most people, then our “body” is taken care of in the gym. Returning to inner health, some people chose meditation. For example, Silicon Valley’s technology entrepreneurs, early meditation has become a morning routine; senior white-collar workers seeking to release from stress, meditation and mindfulness become more choices; even more North American young people who are pursuing self-return, begin to meditate As another “fitness” for the gym.

6, The seemingly harmless evening event is actually the culprits of disturbing sleep

Sleep is very important to people, and it should have occupied nearly a third of the day. Everyone wants to sleep well, and insomnia is definitely a problem. Why do we lose sleep? What can cause insomnia? In fact, it is those seemingly harmless activities that are the culprit.

7, When solving complex problems, you’d better not be so hard

The instinct to solve the problem may tell you that it is best to quickly “brainstorm” and develop a step-by-step plan. However, factual evidence and public research have shown that it is equally important to keep “not doing” for a while.