Most of the APP products on the market, more than half of the traffic is from the application market.

Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Bird’s Notes” (ID: Niaoge8), author Tong Liyu.

As a whitecomer in the initial operation circle, it is still unclear what p1, p2, and p3 are. It doesn’t matter, tell everyone today Starting at 0, how to lay out your own promotion channels step by step.

The company’s products are handed over to their own hands, the first is the online application market.

In terms of product experience operated by the author, in addition to other streaming media and product fission methods, the new user traffic in the application market accounted for 50%.
  Can say
  Most of the APP products on the market, more than half of the traffic comes from the application market.

The following is an analysis from this perspective. As an operation and promotion staff, how to set up the application market.

Uploading the app marketplace

The Android Market and the Apple App Store are just like the two legs that support the traffic pool.

However, the launch of the Apple market is becoming more and more difficult. Products with serious homogenization are currently likely to be identified as vests and rejected. However, the overall quality and willingness to pay for Apple users is higher, and the contribution of individual users will be even greater. So I can go to the Apple market as much as possible on the Apple market.

The Android market is mainly divided into manufacturer’s app store and third-party app store, you can simply look at the traffic of each app market based on easy-to-view data. As shown below:

From 0 to 1, APP goes from online to promotion key full resolution

Before submitting the app market, we need to have some relevant information
  At present, the requirements of the national regulatory authorities for APP are getting higher and higher. In addition to providing the necessary business license, software copyright certificate, legal person information, website filing information, most of the currentThe market must also submit a safety assessment report.

Software Copyright Prosecution
  We can apply directly through Alibaba Cloud at Alibaba Cloud, of course, the fee is a must. We need to prepare a detailed description of the APP, the instruction manual (operation manual), and the development code of about 30 pages. After submitting the application form template provided by the third party, submit it. Generally, if you fill in the basics about 2 months, you can get the certificate. Of course, you can pay more for expedited processing, and there is no problem in the three or five days.

Security Assessment Report
  It is mandatory to submit the application market in the second half of 2018. However, at present, the review is not strict. You can submit your own product information according to the instructions in the application market, mainly including some user privacy information to prevent leakage. And whether the product complies with the instructions of the relevant national laws.

Website filing
  Mainly there are mainly ICP filing, which can be filed online through the official filing website or through the local telecommunications department.

The purpose of website filing is to prevent illegal website business activities on the Internet and to prevent the spread of bad Internet information. If the website is not filed, it is likely to be closed after investigation. You can log in to the online work platform of the Ministry of Information Industry and enter the “Record Application” module in the “Website Filing” system.

In the column of “Application for Recording of Business Websites”, fill in the name, domain name, IP address, management person in charge, ISP provider, address of the server, contact information, etc. Then submit.

After the relevant materials are ready, you can go to the open platform to register your account and submit your own app
  This is relatively simple and will not be repeated.

Of course, before you submit, you must remember to reinforce the technical department. Because applications do not do any security protection, they are easily vulnerable to virus infection, advertisement replacement, payment channel tampering, phishing, information hijacking, etc. , which seriously infringes the interests of developers. Developers can protect the application through the official hardening scheme of each open platform to prevent the application from being decompiled, debugged, pirated, cracked, repackaged, etc., to protect the interests of developers.

Improve the reach of relevant keywords in the app market

Open the application market, we can see that the main page of each application market has various columns: boutique topic recommendation, application ranking, highlight application and so on.

Consider the userThe behavior habits, users open the application market, most of them have a strong purpose, which means that the most user behavior is search. So
  Improve the coverage and ranking of your app-related keywords to get more out of your products.

How do you improve your keyword coverage and ranking?

Each application market has its own characteristics, which is its own algorithm mechanism. Of course, this is not open, and it changes frequently. This is difficult to pry into. It needs to be summed up in practice, but Basically related to the following factors.

From 0 to 1, the APP is fully parsed from the launch to the promotion key

The rules of each application market are different and are not static. For App Bao, there was a keyword addition before, but now it is gone. Before the millet market, the keyword is limited to 100, and now the number of keywords is limited to 10……. This requires operators to understand the rules of the application market, and adjust the changes according to the changes to optimize the keyword ranking of their APP in the market.

As for how to optimize, it varies by product.

You can optimize one by one according to the controllable factors in the above picture, but in each market, the weight of the factors is different, such as iOS product name main title, subtitle, application description, Icons, app screenshots, 100 characters, comments, daily downloads will affect keyword rankings, and of course the hidden package weights, the weight of this so-called package is invisible Can not touch, but the routine we will judge according to the account history penalty situation, the package update rate and historical warnings / penalties.

More importantly, keywords also have weight, such as the position of the keyword (in the main subtitle, or 100 characters, whether it is before, whether a comma is added, whether it is repeated, the number of occurrences in the comment and many more).

Of course, the most important thing is that the keyword is downloaded after you search for the amount of this app, which involves the introduction of the briefing copy of your guide. However, it can be achieved by some means of brushing, but this should be cautious, not advocating, not recommended. Because the consequences are very serious.

Apply treasure?

The weight of hot words
  Is very high, such as keyword settings and application descriptionIn the case of normal non-optimization, the ranking mainly lies in the weight of the application, such as increased downloads, praises, etc., multiple participation in the application of the treasure market activities, application rankings, etc., the market will have relevant support according to the active application.

Additional App market keyword adjustments will also affect the app’s keyword rankings (in fact, many markets have recently imposed traffic restrictions on some gray words). Then Placing App Bao ads, apps can be displayed on a regular basis, in fact, it will also affect the app ranking indirectly.

Other markets are no longer exemplified, basically the same, we can apply third-party tools, after making significant adjustments, pay attention to the changes of your APP’s keywords for a period of time to test My own guess of the market.

From 0 to 1, the APP is fully parsed from the launch to the promotion key

In terms of version updates, every version update, there is a significant increase in the probability of APP traffic. If you are lucky, it is not impossible to double the traffic. If not updating for a long time, but also want to keep traffic growth, it is basically impossible. Our products have been removed from the shelves because the two versions are not updated in vivo.

How to get started after the app goes online

After the application market is well laid out, there will be more or less natural quantities, which is the result of your own keyword layout. However, this certainly does not reach the kpi of the assessment, we need constant optimization. Of course, If you have a promotion budget, then let’s go to the app marketplace ads, directly and effectively. The main thing is to save costs.

Each app market has paid channels, including cpc, cpa, cpd and other modes. The top page of the market’s home page can be purchased, such as the boutique, ranking, classification, etc. Of course, the company must consider the overall ROI of the company. For a list, it is worth tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of inputs per day. For small developers, it is true. It is a small expense.

If you don’t invest in the previous period, you can search for some free cooperation, such as application launch, market special events, some card coupons, etc., slowly accumulate a certain amount of downloads and adjust in time. .

Everything has a Matthew effect, which is also applicable here in the application market. With a certain amount of downloads, the app has a weight rating and has a good reputation…. The market will slowly allocate more traffic to you.

But it is still the same sentence. If there is investment in the early stage and there is budget, then you must steadfastly spend money to buy traffic. In the face of absolute funds, any skill seems so useless (people open an app store) Not just to make money). When the flow rate of the purchase reaches a certain level, and the above-mentioned key factors are optimized, the maintenance in the later stage will be relatively easy.

Every app developer wants the app to become an explosion on the line, but after all, resources are limited, and millions of developers, how to stand out, not only need technology, persistence, and sometimes need a little luck!

I hope everyone will gain something!